
Human Resource Practices for Nonprofits

meeting room

Staffing decisions and personnel practices are perhaps not the most exciting topics a nonprofit leader considers on a daily basis. But sound personnel decisions and practices are vital to organizational success. Not only will good HR practices keep an organization in compliance with all laws and out of trouble; they also position an organization to draw the best out of its talent, thereby driving mission. A quality HR program starts with an honest, objective assessment of an organization’s current needs and practices. As we ring in the new year, we encourage you to take a moment to tap these resources – some of which are free and reduced-rate – in order to ensure that your organization is tuned up for 2016.

Society of Human Resources: provides a number of resources from diversity to leadership and strategy.
BVU: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence: this local nonprofit organization provides consulting, training, and support.

ERC: members receive access to HR content, professional connections, and a comprehensive network of resources.