
Community Organizations Receive Over $1.7 Million in Funding From GAR Foundation

Akron Urban League Building

GAR Foundation awarded $1,727,000 in grants to Akron nonprofit organizations at its August grant distribution meeting. This round of funding was awarded to 20 nonprofits and included five multi-year grants to organizations in the areas of economic and workforce development, basic needs, and K-16 education.  

Organizations receiving multi-year grant funding include Akron Urban League, the University of Akron, Battered Women’s Shelter, Family Promise, and Victim Assistance Program. Four of the five multi-year grant recipients were awarded funds for operational support while the University of Akron dollars will be used for last-dollar scholarship funding that will enable students to remain on campus.

“As our community continues to face unprecedented challenges, it is our goal to help key nonprofit partners breathe a little easier and focus on their mission through multi-year grants,” states Christine Mayer, President of GAR Foundation. “We continue to be impressed and inspired by the work our grantees are doing to provide critical support to individuals and families in Akron.”

“This is a pivotal time for many organizations where leadership is key. We are enthusiastic about making multi-year commitments that will allow outstanding leaders like President Gary Miller at the University of Akron and Teresa LeGrair, President and CEO at the Akron Urban League, to drive success in their organizations,” Mayer continued.

The University of Akron will receive $100,000 for three consecutive years to help bridge the financial gap for students in good academic standing who find themselves short of meeting their room and board costs. The grant arises out of data that show the overwhelming correlation between living on campus and college persistence.

The Akron Urban League will receive $125,000 for operating support in 2021 and 2022. “Ms. Teresa LeGrair’s leadership of the Akron Urban League and what she has accomplished to date is impressive. Our support of this organization that has a significant place in Akron’s leadership circles is essential and aligned with our commitment to equity,” shares Bronlynn Thurman, Program Officer of GAR Foundation.

Other multi-year grant commitments awarded for 2021 and 2022 include $80,000 per year to Battered Women’s Shelter, $20,000 per year to Family Promise, and $30,000 per year to Victim Assistance Program.

Also noteworthy is a $450,000 grant awarded to the United Way of Summit and Medina. Kirstin Toth, Senior Vice President of GAR Foundation states, “UWSM’s Bold Goals in education match GAR’s interest in supporting Akron Public School student success. Our funding will help support the key resources offered from United Way including the Family Resource Centers and College & Career Academies.”

Additional organizations receiving support include:

  • Akron Soul Train, $20,000, for operating support
  • Art Resources Transformations, $20,000, for Curated Storefront
  • ArtSparks, $24,500, for Essential Experiences in pre-K education
  • Child Guidance & Family Solutions, $100,000, for Toddlers and Preschoolers Succeeding (TAPS) Program
  • Greater Akron Musical Association, $80,000, for operating support
  • Heart to Heart Leadership, $20,000, for operating support
  • Love Akron, $30,000, for operating support
  • Nightlight Cinema, $7,500, for operating support
  • Ohio Shakespeare Festival, $10,000, for operating support
  • Open Tone Music, $25,000, for operating support
  • Salvation Army, $20,000, for Learning Zone Preschool
  • Summit ArtSpace, $20,000, for operating support
  • United Way of Summit and Medina Counties, $450,000, for Bold Goals I and II in K-16 education
  • Urban Vision, $45,000, for Set On Success (SOS) Afterschool Enrichment
  • Weathervane Community Playhouse, $45,000, for operating support