Our Voice. Our Future.
Fueled By Residents
In 2018, ArtsNow took a closer look at existing arts and culture assets and invited residents to share their vision for Akron. The voices of those who live, work, and care about Akron are the most critical ingredient to the success of the Akron/Summit Cultural Plan.
ArtsNow and the planning firm, Designing Local, conducted over 100 stakeholder interviews and held several focus groups and neighborhood meetings to collect public feedback to inform the planning process.
Prioritizing Arts & Culture
To develop the plan, the team analyzed the City of Akron’s current cultural priorities, assessed capacity to serve neighborhoods, studied the condition of cultural and environmental organizations as well as artists, and planned how the city can remain a place where arts and culture are vital to citizen’s well-being.
The Next Step For Akron
In Akron, we believe that we have the potential to be a thriving, creative city. Together, we're moving forward with energy and momentum. Throughout the inclusive public cultural planning process, community members offered priorities and strategies to build up our creative sector, and ten key priorities emerged from your ideas.
Akron/Summit Cultural Plan’s Ten Key Priorities
ArtsForward is a grant program operated by ArtsNow that provides resources to support projects and programs that move the Akron/Summit Cultural Plan’s ten key priorities forward.
Through ArtsForward, artists, creators, and cultural organizations are empowered to bring their projects to life and contribute to the vibrancy and vitality of our community. The program invites applications for projects that advance the goals of the Akron/Summit Cultural Plan. A diverse committee of funders, civic leaders, artists, and content experts will review applications. Grants will be awarded up to $25,000.

The application period for the third phase of ArtsForward funding is now open from March 1-April 1, 2025!